
I Heard It On The Radio

             I have visited Areial for about 12 years now.  The Church had grown to around 15 members but many fall away.  There are now three Christians in the city: Sônia, Beta, and Bia.  Sônia has been asking for a family to come live in the city to better establish the church and evangelize.  We have been encouraging her to evangelize on her own and not to wait on someone to do it for her. And she acted.
            Well, the church in Areial now has an hour spot on the local radio station.  It is every Sunday from 12:30 to 1:30 local time (9:30-10:30 CST).  You can hear it over the internet at: www.rcafmareial.com .  One Sunday, I had the opportunity to speak on the program.  It has been going for three months.  Twenty eight people called in to the radio station while we were on the air.
            The church is still asking for a family to come and live in the city to help evangelize.  The difference is that they are doing what they can.  There are five people studying the Bible through correspondence courses.  It was a very encouraging visit.  Instead of talking about what they could do, the conversation has now changed to what they are doing and how others can help. 
            Please pray for our sisters in Areial and their effort to reach others with God's message. 

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