
Planting a Church on Their Own

    As you may remember, PORMISSOES (Organic Missions Plan) is the idea of establishing a congregation in the four major cities in the state of Paraíba, building those congregations up and each one reaching out to a 90 mile radius around them, eventually evangelizing the entire state. 
    We now have a congregation in each of the four major cities of the state.  I have met three times with the evangelists in the desert region of the state to discuss beginning a new congregation in a city that does not yet have one, Pombal.  I have planned with church leaders on how to establish this congregation, but they have not done much in the past. This was our fourth meeting, and  I stressed that I was not going to do the work for them nor could I. 
    I asked for one of them to be responsible to remind, to encourage and to motivate the others to work the plan.  Givanildo stepped up and said he would be that person.  Luciano, from Patos, will begin visiting the city of Pombal.  Things seem to be heading in the right direction now. 

    They were waiting on me to do the work but I live five hours away from the city they picked to establish a new congregation.  Now, I think, they understand that I can't do it and that if they do not take the responsibility, it will not get done. Wow, that was a good meeting!
    Please pray for the effort of these five congregations to establish a new congregation in the city of Pombal.  I know that it is God's will for everyone to be saved.  If, by God's will, the church in Paraíba is able to establish a new congregation through their own efforts I feel that they will gain confidence in God equipping them to do so in other cities, and they will be an example for the Christians in the state.  I also believe things will move a lot smoother, and I will be closer to fulfilling my purpose to work myself out of a job.

God bless you all,

Jeremy & Monica Newlin

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