
In The Movies

    As they say in showbiz, "break a leg".  That is almost what I did.  Me and some of my friends went to see a movie, "Paranormal Activity".  If you want to know If I recomend it or not, the answer is no.  I don't want to get in to that right now.  I want to tell you what happened after the movie. 
    The movie ended with no credits, no sound, nothing, just a big black screen and eveyone in the theater sat there staring in awe.  I suggested to two of my friends that we get up, go running down the steps, screaming.  It was a horror movie!  No one did anything and the lights were not coming on so I got up and started walking down the the steps like a zombie with very heavy feet, just like in the movie.  When I got to the very last step, it did not have any runner lights so I thought I was at the end of the stairs.  Well, I guess you can figure out the rest.  I stepped on the edge of the step, twisted my ankle (I am lying in bed right now with my ankle swollen, elevated and with an ice pack on it), yelled out in pain and fell flat on my face on the theater floor, in front of everyone, with the lights still off.  I was still o.k. because the lights were off and it all could be seen as part of the act, although I was in a lot of pain.  But then the lights came on, so I had to think fast.  I really did not want everyone seeing me in pain and limping out of the theater after walking down the stairs in front of everyone.  That just would not look good.  I wanted to get up as fast as I could but my foot was hurting so bad that I could not put much weight on it.  Luckily, (I guess, if there is any luck in a situation like this one) I fell close to a guard rail next to the stairs.  I grabbed on like a boxer grabbing the ropes to stand up after he has been almost knocked out.  I pulled myself up and quickly limped off, out of the theater.  I went out the wrong door but I did not care at this point, mostly because of the pain but also because of the shame.  I walked to the nearest place I could find, away from the exit and sat down, gabbed my ankle and fought off the desire to pass out. 
    My friends finally found their way over to me and saw me with an ice pack on my ankle and my face, still in much pain.  They asked me "what happened?"  That releived me because if they did not know then I doubt anyone else would have known.  Once I told them the story they busted into laughter and begin to shake their heads, as if to say, this could only happen to you. 
    So what did I learn from my experience at the movies.  Show buiseness is hard and painful, you do not always get rewarded for your efforts and wait for the lights to come on before leaving your seat, no matter how great your desire to be the star of the main attraction may be.

God Bless you all.


No More Santa Claus!?

    Nicholas asked a point blank question yesterday that when answered would change his whole view on Christmas; "Does Santa Claus really exist?".  We waited until Dylan was not around and explained to him that Santa Claus is really mommy and daddy.  He asked; "Then how do you buy the presents so late at night?  Do the stores stay open really late?".
    I thought he would be sad or feel deceived by us but he did not.  He just had a few questions like; "O.K., then how much did my boogie board cost?".  We explained that we buy the presents even when he and Dylan are with us but he just does not see the presents because we split up, one buys the presents while the other distracts you and Dylan, we explained.  Once he understood how everything worked, it only took him about 2 maybe 3 minutes, he was fine and playing agian. 
    I guess that is the confidence you have when you know that your parents love you.  What a wonderful way to go through life.  Wouldn't it be nice if I and I assume everyone else had that same trust and confidence, knowing that God loves us.


What a Beautiful Day!

    I looked out of the balcony of my apartment in João Pessoa this morning and this is what I saw.  Thank you Lord for Your creativity and making everyday beautiful and different from all of the others before them.


Learning From A Real Scholar

    Today I had the opportunity to learn from what I would call a "real scholar", Álvaro Pestana.  His knowledge of the hebrew and greek languages, culture of the Jews, Romans and Greeks and the ability to explain all of these aspects and answer questions, in the light of the scriptures, with clarity is what impressed me the most.  I saw how much I still have to learn and how important it is to dedicate myself to the study of God's Word, which includes the cultures and languages. 
    There was a good sized crowd and the questions asked were questions that I would not have thought of asking for the most part.  That helped me open up my mind a little more. 
    My aim has always been to search for the truth and this was a good reminder to continue the search.  May the search go on!!!

Being on TV

Today I was on TV!  It was nothing really amazing or anything but different.  People called one another to pass the word on. 



    Monica spent hours looking up halloween costumes on the internet to get ideas on what she could make for the boys.  What they ended up choosing was nothing like she expected.  Nicholas chose to dress up as a soccer player, something he does only every other day at the least.  Dylan chose to dress up as Batman, he already has a ready-made costume of Batman.  Monica did make him a Batman costume that was different from what he already has, just all black clothes, socks and shoes.  Monica wanted someone to dress up as a scuba diver, no one wanted to so she did.  I will put up a picture along with this blog for you to see.  Don't you just love halloween, I know Monica does, even more so than the boys.

Changing Someone's Life!

Sitting in a room still cooled by a moonless night talking to Vinicius about the gospel of Luke, I hear the words leave his mouth; "you have changed my life".  Some seconds went by as the words worked their way to the understanding part of my brain.  I thought, what do you mean?  How could I change your life?  I am not God to change anyone's life.  I kindly said thank you and tried to change the subject because I felt uncomfortable by his affirmation.  We soon said goodbye to one another and I went on my way.  That was over a week ago.  His words still bring me some discomfort.
    As the days have passed, I have tried to make some sense of Vinicius' words.  What follows are my thoughts; I could not change someone's life because I am not God but I can be used by God, maybe imitating Him, to show someone a different way to live and think, to see life in a new light.  After all, that is what happens with our children, friends, co-workers, etc...  They see how we act, talk, whether we gossip or not, what kind of values we have and they begin to paint a picture of who we are.  When they get through painting us and we do not look like all of the others that they have painted, we have a chance to change their life.  Not us in imparticular but God working through us, His light shining, pouring some of His salt on those around us and when they are able to see and taste of God they change. 
    Let others see your good works so that they may glorify the God of all creation.  May God bless you as you go through this world hearing words like I was blessed to hear and may we always remember who changed us.


Earl Lavender

    Have you ever had the opportunity to come across a person who speaks with such contagiating passion that you change, if only for a little while?  That is what I had the opportunity to experience Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10/30 to 11/01/2009. 
    Earl Lavender was my teacher for three classes while studying at Lipscomb in the '90's.  Back then he spoke with the same passion about God and His Kingdom with which I heard him speak this year.  While at the University, he spoke in such a way that you wanted to be ushered in to at least get a taste of something that must be sooo good.  While at Lipscomb he helped me to see that God's kingdom must begin in my own heart.  Otherwise, how can I expect to be a servant to the King of all creation if my heart, which is a part of His creation, is not fully serving Him and Him alone.
    Once again I was reminded that God reigns supreme.  He is the Almighty who saved all those who believe in His Son.  I know these things, always have but somewhere during these last 13 years I got distracted by other things, not that I had forgotten that God is King, so I keep telling myself, even now but something was holding more meanting to me than the Alpha and Omega, at least that is what my speach showed as I shared the good news of ... wait.  Where is God?  Why have I not been talking about His love shown in Jesus' sacrifice?  What is on my mind, God is not the first thing to come up?  Who wants to hear about God, I have something more exciting to talk about, right?  I can talk about God anytime.
    I am not saying that God has to be the first thing out of my mouth everytime I speak.  But when I speak, my words should be flavored with His Word, His Goodness, His Love and Forgiveness, not out of guilt but because He rules my heart and my heart serves Him and Him alone.

47th Annual Pan Am Lectureships

    The Pan Am Lectureships is held annually in different parts of Central and South America.  It brings together missionaries from the Americas as well as members from churches interested in supporting some mission points. 
    I was greatly encouraged by the wiser, so as not to say older, missionaries that attended.  There was a lot of experience, courage, humbleness and the most impressive and easily seen from each one of these experienced warriors was their love for the Lord and those who do not have their names written in the book of life.  Their stories about some of the heroes of faith helped me think about how maybe the writer of the book of Hebrews expected his captive audience to feel as they read the 11th chapter of his letter.  I was encouraged to keep the faith, to strive harder to tell others about salvation through God's Son, Jesus.  Some of the heroes of faith mentioned by these men were at the Lectureships and as you heard their stories they almost seemed, as one man at the conference put it, like sequoias and he was a potted bonsai in their midst.  As you talked personally to each of them their love and encouragement was best described as overflowing to the point that you left their presence filled and wanted to pass it on to others.
    All of the lessons were wonderful and very encouraging and insightful but nothing came close to the sermons preached by the lives of the men and women present at the lectureships, not their stories but their presence.
    I think, not that these men were Jesus in the flesh, what it must have been like to walk with Jesus for 3 years.  How he must have changed the lives of His followers by what flowed out of Him and filled their lives.  Imitating Jesus, what a wonderful way to live.

Thank all of you who organized the Pan Am Lectureships and may you continue to fill others by what overflows out of your lives.


My first blog!

This being my first blog, I will be short.  I really enjoyed the trip to São Paulo.  The time there was well worth the trip.