
I Heard It On The Radio

             I have visited Areial for about 12 years now.  The Church had grown to around 15 members but many fall away.  There are now three Christians in the city: Sônia, Beta, and Bia.  Sônia has been asking for a family to come live in the city to better establish the church and evangelize.  We have been encouraging her to evangelize on her own and not to wait on someone to do it for her. And she acted.
            Well, the church in Areial now has an hour spot on the local radio station.  It is every Sunday from 12:30 to 1:30 local time (9:30-10:30 CST).  You can hear it over the internet at: www.rcafmareial.com .  One Sunday, I had the opportunity to speak on the program.  It has been going for three months.  Twenty eight people called in to the radio station while we were on the air.
            The church is still asking for a family to come and live in the city to help evangelize.  The difference is that they are doing what they can.  There are five people studying the Bible through correspondence courses.  It was a very encouraging visit.  Instead of talking about what they could do, the conversation has now changed to what they are doing and how others can help. 
            Please pray for our sisters in Areial and their effort to reach others with God's message. 

Encourage or Be Encouraged, How About Both!

I travel to Patos at least once every three months to meet with the evangelists of the congregations in the region to talk, pray and plan evangelism for their area.  I also go to teach Bible courses to these same evangelists and the congregation of Patos.  There were 8 people who attended the class on the book of Hebrews, my favorite book of the Bible, right now.

I go to pass on knowledge that I have gained by studying the Bible.  The evangelists come to learn from me but I am greatly encouraged by their dedication to God and his service.  Three of the five evangelists in the region work self-employed part-time jobs and as the preacher, Bible study giver and planner and executor for their congregation's evangelistic efforts.  They all work hard and often and they do it all out of their love for God and His Kingdom.

Please pray for:
·       Santo – Belém do Brejo do Cruz
·       Luciano – Patos
·       Givanildo – Emas
·       Silvan – Catingueira
·       Café - Cajazeiras

The Heart of Man

            There is a place in the heart of man that can only be touched by God.  If man does not let God near this place, man will never be changed.  Fabiano is a man who travelled and served the pastor and members of his denomination.  Fabiano is an alcoholic, and he was winning the battle but fell, weak to his vice.  After going on a drinking binge, his services and travelling were no longer needed by the denomination of which he was a part.  He was left alone. 

            Antônio Germano has been visiting Fabiano for some time, long before the above story took place.  Antônio had been telling Fabiano that he needed to follow the truth.  Fabiano would listen and even agree that some of the things the denomination does are not in accordance with the God's Word, but he would not change. 

            Antônio and I went to visit Fabiano this past Sunday.  He is sad and ashamed by his behavior, but most importantly, he seems repentant.  I don't want to be naïve: I know that only time will tell if his love for the Lord will overcome his love for alcohol.  I am excited, though, to see his desire to honor Christ with his life.

            He also said during our visit that he wants to begin meeting with the church in Alagoinha and learning more from God's Word. 

Please pray for:
  •  God to move into Fabiano's heart so that he will have the strength to recover from alcohol and sin;
  • God to give wisdom to Antônio Germano and Zezito, these two men are working with the church in Alagoinha;
  • God to increase the faith of the members in the church in Alagoinha;
  • God to give me wisdom and patience to work with the church in Alagoinha;
  • God to raise up more men to work with the church in Alagoinha.


Planting a Church on Their Own

    As you may remember, PORMISSOES (Organic Missions Plan) is the idea of establishing a congregation in the four major cities in the state of Paraíba, building those congregations up and each one reaching out to a 90 mile radius around them, eventually evangelizing the entire state. 
    We now have a congregation in each of the four major cities of the state.  I have met three times with the evangelists in the desert region of the state to discuss beginning a new congregation in a city that does not yet have one, Pombal.  I have planned with church leaders on how to establish this congregation, but they have not done much in the past. This was our fourth meeting, and  I stressed that I was not going to do the work for them nor could I. 
    I asked for one of them to be responsible to remind, to encourage and to motivate the others to work the plan.  Givanildo stepped up and said he would be that person.  Luciano, from Patos, will begin visiting the city of Pombal.  Things seem to be heading in the right direction now. 

    They were waiting on me to do the work but I live five hours away from the city they picked to establish a new congregation.  Now, I think, they understand that I can't do it and that if they do not take the responsibility, it will not get done. Wow, that was a good meeting!
    Please pray for the effort of these five congregations to establish a new congregation in the city of Pombal.  I know that it is God's will for everyone to be saved.  If, by God's will, the church in Paraíba is able to establish a new congregation through their own efforts I feel that they will gain confidence in God equipping them to do so in other cities, and they will be an example for the Christians in the state.  I also believe things will move a lot smoother, and I will be closer to fulfilling my purpose to work myself out of a job.

God bless you all,

Jeremy & Monica Newlin

Soccer Program Update

Café and Leila, the full-time workers in Cajazeiras with the Right Step Soccer Program report; the beginning of the school year has been delayed with teacher strikes but the soccer program is going strong.  They have 60 youngsters in the program and when school starts, more will be included.  New Bible studies have begun and the attendance on Sundays is up. 

Please pray:
·       That God may bless Café and Leila with wisdom, patience and love with the kids that are learning from them and the church about God's love for each one.
·       That these young men and women may grow in spiritual maturity and lead others to Christ, as they themselves are being led.